Ditch School

Ditch School
Dare to Innovate and Transcend Cultural Hegemony
Break free of the redundancy and irrelevance of mainstream education.
Serving ages 11-18
What is Ditch?
Founded in 2010, Ditch School has led dozens of successful learners to the universities and careers of their dreams, often skipping years of secondary school.
Serving students internationally with a home base in California, Ditch supports unschoolers with their early college courses, internships, jobs, individual passion projects or businesses, and university applications. We offer additional services for professionals (actors/athletes/musicians) and also mainstream students (studio teaching, test prep/tutoring, transcript evaluation, school advocacy, and college counseling).
We work with Division I NCAA athletes, performers, teens struggling with mental health or learning disabilities, and those who simply recognize that the status quo just isn't cutting it.
Our Mission
To arm young people with the tools they need to navigate bureaucracy and earn their college degree in the most effective, efficient, and enjoyable way possible by advocating for their own learning paths.

Learners Lead
It's their education, why do adults
decide what they should learn?
Adolescents naturally challenge authority but in modern times have even more reason to do so. Sitting in hard desks under florescent lights for six hours per day not allowed to ask a question or go to the bathroom without getting permission from an authority figure doesn't support learning. Creative, critical thinkers emerge when teens are given choice and autonomy.
Unschooling + Early College = Time to be You
What will you spend your time doing?
Outside of school, screens, and friends . . . who are you? What inspires you, what do you enjoy doing, what do you want to know?
You will have time to find out. Ditchers have started businesses, secured internships, hold jobs, learn instruments, fix cars, do hair, train for the Olympics and so much more! We can't wait to see what you do!